So since the last time I wrote it was my birthday which was pretty unexciting as I had gastric flu but hey there is always next year. Also we have not had any snow since 6th March but that all changed this week. Loads fell over the weekend (never on a week day!!) which is great as the mountain was getting pretty fooked. I am looking forward to going out on the mountain tomorrow, fresh as a daisy and revitalised!
All my thoughts are about what I am going to do when I get back to the UK. I know something will pop up and one day I will be rich and be able to buy my own mountain and helicopter.
As there are no mountains in Surrey, I have been thinking about my next hobby and here is the shortlist:
So I either need to buy a boat or a bike I haven't decided yet but I know which one is cheaper.
Here is a picture of the new snow and that cloud is the reason I am writing this entry and not getting up the hill.
I promise I won't leave you again!