I set myself a goal this year: To listen to all the music in my iTunes at least once.
I had no idea how hard this task would become, I imagine it is like running a marathon, you start off really good, enjoying it, then as time goes on it get harder and harder to stick with it, feeling sick at the end of it and collapsing as you vomit your guts on the pavement. Listening to all my Bob Dylan, Pearl Jam and Janis Joplin was a delight and I discovered some real gems. However having to listen to music I put on my iTunes because I thought it would be good at a party or because I think I should have it is painful. Listening to rubbish Snoop Dogg and the dreadful Motley Crue albums has tried my patience. So out of 18218 songs I have listened to all but 1063 of them, I tell you this as I listen to the first Linkin Park album trying to convince myself that rap/metal is an accentable genre.
It kind of makes you question what you really do like, I sometimes scroll through my iTunes and it fills me with no excitement at all. Other times you get to listen to great stuff you have and would never usually go back to as they were on CDs in a massive rack that bears down on you while you play the album you have listened to for the last 2 weeks because it won't fit into the crazy alphabetic system you have so cleverly worked out but has turned you into a nerd music librarian.
So I challenge you to do it, see if you can listen to all your music. It ain't pretty.
Bon chance!