Monday, January 24, 2011


I am back at work now and spending my evening on my own in the office not really doing anything just waiting for 10.30pm to come round so I can walk someone into a building and then hang around while they talk for an hour. Hmmm.

I am not complaining, it is just frustrating. I need to do something soon. It is driving me crazy. But is is like Dan said to me on holiday, you need to be in the game, speaking to people with your ear to the ground. I am still gutted that the pub thing never happened but maybe that was a blessing in disguise. Matt coming back will kickstart everything, I am so bored of underachieving. I need to plan for my family and they are the most important thing from now on.

Maybe I just need to jump into it. How about learning Java Script? I need a skill and I have plenty of spare time as I don't watch TV. An hour of that every day?

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I'm back from my holidays in Morzine, we've had 2 weeks recently and I loved being there but this last time I really felt closure on the whole period of living there. I love it there but something in my heart has changed recently and I don't believe that I need to be there anymore. I have had two great holidays there and got more riding that I would have done in a month living there so I am happy to just holiday there now. I also want a bit of a change of scenery as well, I need to go to other places, MZ is not the centre of the mountain world.

On my first day back I went out on my new road bike, I have had it for about a week now and I have been talking about it for about a month now so it was great to finally get out there on it. I was nervous about it but I managed nine miles and when I got off my bike I wanted to go again. This was great as I was worried that I would find it boring. My bike is great and it really is very fast, not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. So no begins the task of training for the London to Brighton Bike Ride. 54 miles of cycling, I am so looking forward to it and I think it will be a really good family day out for everyone.

New ideas for my life are still thin on the ground. I thought about a collective website of brilliant links to youtube etc. It has been done but I think I could do it really well. Nothing ground breaking but it could be great. Bit lame but at least I am still thinking about it. I need something big.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Next step.....

It has been a while since my last entry, things have been pretty crazy since we've been back from France. I have been sucked straight back into the music industry, things never change there! My little niece Lua has been diagnosed with Wilms tumor which is a form of kidney cancer which she is now almost recovered from, fingers crossed. Fran and I have bought a house and have busied ourselves with making it perfect for when we have a family. It is a slow process but we are getting there. It is weird living in a new place again but Walton is a nice place.

So what is next? The next step is to start a family and conquer the world. So how do I do it? I have the enthusiasm and passion to start a new business but I don't know what it would be. I am not posting this anywhere are it is just going to be like a journal for a while. I need an idea, my tetra pak! I don't want it to be in music, food is always something that interests me and I think I am pretty good at it as well. We have the investment ready and waiting. I'd like to do something to do with snowboarding but that is so difficult to get into and there is no money in it, unless we start up something in France and we want to live here.

So the big question I need to answer is, what am I going to do as a new life plan then? I need ideas........

The next post will be another step forward to me doing it!

This is well funny! The best radio voice ever!