Today I went out a bike for the first time since I used to ride my BMX to work as a teenager and play bike-it in the woods! Not that long ago really. Apart from the rather unpleasant backside pain I endured it was great fun. God knows how my friends in France manage to sit on those bad boys coming down a mountain I will never know, the rather tame roads of East Sussex were a struggle for me. The next challenge I have set myself is to ride around the 26 miles of Bewl Water Reservoir. No mean feat!
I also spent the day began designing my first ever website (see above) and coming to the realisation that I really am living in England for good now so I need to embrace it. Still need to sort out where I am going to work and live, been looking at a few things but nothing solid yet. The idea of Liquid Mountaineering is driving me on though (see last entry) and once I am rich I can build that Slamball court I have always dreamed of. Well as long as you have the love of a good (and beautiful) woman and good friends and family then as the matress says....
I am not proud of what I am about to say. I have just listened to the new Bullet For My Valentine album and it is fantastic. I have never really liked them apart from a few songs but this new one is mega. They don't sound like they used to, I don't know what has happened but they seem a bit more like a hardcore band now rather than their previous incarnation as a pretend metal band. You can tell I am feeling more positive about everything now, my melancholy period of listening to The National on repeat has ended. Although The National are great, love them.
Make sure you win!

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