When I saw the picture preview of the new A-Team film (Yes that is Liam Neeson as Hannibal), I knew it was going to be amazing and from the look of the trailer, it is not going to disappoint. I can't wait to see this film. There even cameos from Face and Murdoch. Hannnibal unfortunately passed away and Mr T turned down an appearance. Fool. I know it is potentially just another cheesy action film but when I was little The A-Team on a Saturday afternoon was one of the best things ever, looking back on it I love how they used to shoot the hell out of each other and crash and roll cars but no one ever got hurt. I am not into nostalgia, I can't bear that awful conversation about what were the best cartoons and kids TV shows. Believe me they were all pretty shit, go on YouTube and watch He-Man. It is terrible. I only know as my nephews love it. I promise. However there was something about the chemistry on screen with The A-Team, especially when Murdoch and B.A. came together. My only disappointment with the new film is I hear that B.A. doesn't actually say 'I ain't gettin' on no plane, fool'. I can only hope they still drug him by getting him to drink milk with tranquilizers in it.
I am off to a cowboy barbecue this evening with some good mates, I can't wait. I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon researching good techniques for Bucking Bronco riding whilst listening to Bonnie Tyler and watching the Spanish Grand Prix.
Turn around bright eyes........
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