I spend a great deal of my time looking, well staring actually, at my iTunes. Editing it, tidying it and adding to it. It is one of my favourite things to do. My favourite playlist is my 25 Most Played. So here is my top 10 in that list:
1) Journey - Don't Stop Believin' 172 plays
2) Jimmy Eat World - The Middle 132 plays
3) Brand New - The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot 118 plays
4) Katy Perry - Hot n Cold 116 plays
5) Fall Out Boy - The Take Over, The Breaks Over 102 plays
6) Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire 101 plays
7) Arcade Fire - Keep The Car Running 97 plays
8) The Killers - Mr Brightside 96 plays
9) Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care 92 plays
10) We Are Scientists - After Hours 86 plays
This is a combined list with Fran. I am very proud of it and I can't see a bad song in there ('Katy Perry!!!!???' I hear you scream but it is a great song to listen to when snowboarding). These plays have been accumulated over 2 and a half brilliant years. There are other songs that I would like to have in my top 10 at the moment like Brand New 'The Archers Bows Have Broken' which is currently at No.17 in the chart. What a song!
I just love it, I believe that your music collection is a soundtrack to your life and really important as well as being a great reflection of your personality. Looking at this list, I would say I am an positive but sometimes nervous, emotional, high energy, love machine! So have a look at your top 10 and see what it says about you?! Wouldn't it be great if you could compile a top 10 list of all the songs you have ever heard!
This post has been inspired by:
1) A long Facebook wall chat/admiration with my mate Mik about the joys of Jimmy Eat World and Kiss. Mik is the greatest drummer in the world.
2) Hughesie - King of the World.
\m/ \m/